Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why I am a vegetarian - The snarky answer.

A lot of people ask me why I'm a vegetarian. It's strange, though, because usually they don't let me finish before they say "I just couldn't give up bacon!" and laugh. Then turn away. For those who care or want to know - here goes.

I'm a vegetarian, primarily, because I care about animals. I see a few big differences between us and them, sure, but aren't we all just...animals?(The answer is yes) If humans were being kept in crates, forced to eat other humans and eventually slaughtered would we care? Umm..... YES! So why is it okay for animals to be treated like that? I mean it. Ask yourself this. Why is it okay with you? Because they can't voice their complaints or aren't smart enough to write down grievances?

Animals are just as capable of feeling pain, fear and unhappiness as we are. They form families and bonds with one another, they have the capacity to love. But what they don't have is the ability to think like we do and to speak. To me, this gives us a great responsibility to care for them. Not kill them. Read that again because it is very important. We are the caretakers of those who cannot speak for themselves. In some cases that means literally caring for them. And in this case it means LEAVE THEM ALONE. That's all you have to do.
One way to judge a society is to look at how it cares for the weakest, humblest and most incapable among them. Animals fit this, I don't care what you say. They are living beings who share this world with us. They have lives. Their own lives. No, cows don't go to their cow jobs and work in their cow cubicles all day and then go have affairs with the cow babysitters. But they have a system in place. They have a society, too.

If there was a mute, mentally handicapped child should we kill it, then? Eat it? Why not? Animals aren't that bright and they can't plead with you to stop so...isn't it the same?

So you get my point. In my eyes this is the same. For me, this is a huge factor.

Second - We don't need to do it. I could be alright with the pain and suffering if we needed it to survive but let's be honest. We don't. I know you like to go out for a burger or have a nice steak but guess what? I don't think your enjoyment on a Friday night should mean that something should spend it's life in torment and eventually be killed. I just don't. Find another way to enjoy yourself - sorry, that's just how I feel. I'm not judging people on an individual basis here but it's just silly. Meat eaters say "Wow I could never give up steak." But I did. I can. Am I better than you? Well stop treating me like I am and then getting pissed off that I say things like the above statement. I don't think I"m better than you. But apparently you do or you wouldn't always be showing me my strengths and highlighting your weaknesses.

Let's move on.

Health reasons. This is a no brainer. Nobody is disputing that vegetarians are some of the healthiest among us. If they are they have never read a book in their lives. They're obviously mentally handicapped and should be put in some sort of crate. That way they will be immobilized and we can partake of their softened flesh. (Yes I just described how veal is made.)

On an evolutonary note we just don't need to eat meat now. There is no hunter left in us. Well, not outside the sporting goods store anyway. Here is how you can be sure.

You're hungry and pass a field with three cows in it. Do you A) Jump out of the car, use your lightening speed to gain on the cow, take your powerful claws and rip into its flesh and then use your sharp incisors to eat it's flesh B) Grab some Twizzlers from your glove box or C) Make your way to the nearest middle eastern restauant. If you answered A there is something wrong with you. THIS IS NOT HOW WE ARE BUILT. Humans are NOT predators. We don't have the equipment to be predators, we don't have the instinct and without weapons we are totally incapable of killing anything. Even evolution wishes you didn't eat meat.
Sure, animals kill one another. But they have the predatory instinct, sharp claws and teeth and speed to do it. They have their own system in place here. They do, trust me. And until the moment they die or are killed by a predator they live normal animal lives. They aren't forced into cruel situations for their entire life span. Get me?

So that's why. That's all of it.

And yea, it's snarky. Yea I get upset it sometimes. But it's my blog - I do what I want!