Saturday, May 30, 2009

Energy shmenergy.

Energy Work: This involves many different massage modalities. It comes from Eastern Medicine and the belief that there is more to the human body than what can be seen physically. Most of these modalities date back thousands of years. Western cultures and medicine are only just starting to realize that energy work is real, although inexplicable.


I looked for another source to give me the definition of energy work, but most sites wanted to give me the definition of HOW energy works. Physics and stuff. What I'm talking about is nothing so concrete.

In my profession energy work is commonplace. If you can't fix something for someone you can do energy work. If you think someone feels "off", go ahead and do energy work. I used to believe in all that because THEY TEACH IT IN SCHOOL. Don't be too horrified when I tell you this but a clinical and accredited institution includes segments on reading auras and polarity. Ah yes, my dollars hard at work. I can't blame therapists for believing this nonsense when their teachers have said it is so. I believed this nonsense for along time. That is, until I grew up.

The above definition says that energy work is "inexplicable" but real. How are those things mutually exclusive? Let me give you a scenario run down and you tell me what it sounds like:

A client enters the room for a Reiki session (Yup, I'm even a level two practitioner) and lays down on the table. The room is warm, it's darkened and there is soft music playing. She is instructed to breathe deeply and consistently for a long period of time. Someone has their hands on or near her and with her senses heightening this warmth is easy to feel. She is instructed to relax and let go. When the session is over she feels renewed, refreshed and happier. The practitioner, who wants to believe in this modality of healing and is ALREADY CONVINCED IT WORKS, feels that they have done well and continue scamming people unawares.

You ready for the science of it?

This one's pretty great too:

But when I mention that I don't do energy work because I don't believe in it people look at me like I have gone insane. Let me plainly say why I don't do this.

It is not real. There is no proof of it's existance nor of it's effects on a person.
This is voodoo therapy and anyone who takes your money for it is wasting your time. I urge you to sit in a dark room and deep breathe for a while. NOBODY has the power to manipulate your "force field" and if they think that they do walk away. No, run. Fast. And then come see me because I'll do some real therapy on you and if I can't help you I will direct you to real answers. I promise.

This is not cynicism on my part. This is realism. I'm open to changing my point of view but I need proof. Not anecdotal evidence but some fact.
No, nothing terrible happened to me to make me change my mind about energy work. I just grew up. I'm not going to live my life based on things that are so unrealistic and I'm sure as hell not going to base my WORK on them.

In the notorious words of Bill Maher:

"Do you believe in Santa Clause or the easter bunny? Of course not.....that would be ridiculous."

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