Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Confessions of a married woman.

I confess that I am happy. I really hope you didn't think I was going to say anything more juicy than that. :)

Our wedding was beautiful. It was just what I had hoped for it to be, partly because I didn't set expectations on it. What made it beautiful was that we had loved ones all around and the dearest of them all, my lovely husband, was next to me the entire time.

The whirlwind started on Thursday with hot tubing and gigging and culminated in a terrific honeymoon, well appointed with relaxation and romance. And lots and lots of hot tub action.

We're home now. Does it feel different? Nah. Not really. There is a certain unexplainable giddiness in calling this man my husband. There is a joy in hearing him call me wife. Given that I don't put too much importance in these words it confuses at times, but I'll take it. Because I like being happy.

I guess I didn't name this blog appropriately.

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